Sunday, April 04, 2010


buahahaha. UN finally finished. Actually it has already finished on the 1st April. wgwgw.
but I'm too lazy to tell yaa reader. Okay I know, no one reads this blog. Poor me. aha!

so so so, don't ask me about the UN. it was easy, not that easy. Not the one that you can do with closed eyes. Nonono! But well, not as hard as the examination on my dearyyy school. and Thank God yuhu!

hm, but I AM really dissapointed with the Education Department and all institutions that were involved in this UN. CACAD ! :p well, let's just not talk about it okay? I feel soooooo sooo soooo disguised with it.


let's just talk about other topic. But don't have any idea. wow
I guess I must say goodbye noww. Dah :*

What I get from UN : Dengan adanya UN, populasi orang salah yang nyolot itu makin bertambah. Waspadalah! Waspadalah! :p