Wednesday, November 17, 2010


Well I was there on the day
they sold the cause for the
And when the lights all went out
We watched our lives on the screen
I hate the ending myself
But it started with an alright scene

It was the roar of the crowd
That gave me heartache to sing
It was a lie when they smiled
And said, "You won't feel a thing"
And as we ran from the cops
We laughed so hard it would sting

Yeah yeah, oh

If I'm so wrong (so wrong, so wrong)
How can you listen all night
long? (all night long, night
And will it matter after I'm gone?
Because you never learned a goddamned thing

You're just a sad song
With nothing to say
About a life long wait for a hospital stay
Well if you think that I'm wrong
This never meant nothing to you

I spent my high school career
Spit on and shoved to agree
So I could watch all my heroes
Sell a car on tv
Bring out the old guillotine
We'll show 'em what we all mean

Yeah yeah, oh

If I'm so wrong (so wrong, so wrong)
How can you listen all night
long? (all night long, all
night long)
Now will it matter long after I'm gone
Because you never learned a god damned thing

You're just a sad song
With nothing to say
About a life long wait for a hospital stay
Well if you think that I'm wrong
This never meant nothing to you

So go, go away, just go, run away.
Now where did you run to?
And where did you hide?
Go find another way
Price you pay

Woah oh...
Woah oh...
Woah oh...
Woah oh, woah oh, woah oh, woah oh...

You're just a sad song
With nothing to say
About a life long wait for a hospital stay
Well if you think that I'm wrong
This never meant nothing to you, come on

You're just a sad song
With nothing to say
About a life long wait for a hospital stay
Well if you think that I'm wrong
This never meant nothing to you

At all x4

I've had enough, bitches. I'm intangible. Don't try to teach or preach me what to do. Am not gonna listen to your words, biiiitccchhheeesss. xoxo

Friday, November 12, 2010

Unyu post

I saw these photos and wondered why...... Babies are always so cuteee <3
Aw, I want one of em right now.... They're so unyu-unyuuu..

Another unyu detected from Vanilla Twilight - Owl City. The lyrics are touching. I really want someone to sing this for me.. Ah impossible for now... But still, believe in the impossible :P

The stars lean down to kiss you,
And I lie awake I miss you,
Pour me a heavy dose of atmosphere.
Cause I’ll doze off safe and soundly,
But I’ll miss your arms around me
I’ll send a postcard to you dear,
Cause I wish you were here.

I’ll watch the night turn light blue,
But it’s not the same without you,
Because it takes two to whisper quietly,
The silence isn’t so bad,
Till I look at my hands and feel sad,
Cause the spaces between my fingers
Are right where yours fit perfectly.

I’ll find repose in new ways,
Though I haven’t slept in two days,
Cause cold nostalgia chills me to the bone.
But drenched in Vanilla twilight,
I’ll sit on the front porch all night,
Waist deep in thought because when I think of you.
I don’t feel so alone.
I don’t feel so alone.
I don’t feel so alone.

As many times as I blink I’ll think of you… tonight.
I’ll think of you tonight.

When violet eyes get brighter,
And heavy wings grow lighter,
I’ll taste the sky and feel alive again.
And I’ll forget the world that I knew,
But I swear I won’t forget you,
Oh if my voice could reach back through the past,
I’d whisper in your ear,
Oh darling I wish you were here.

Random quote came :
"You don't believe bad people exist until you become of one them"

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Hell love smells bad.

"I want to be forever in your arms. But I realize it's quite impossible. Why? 1. Forever never exists. 2. You arms aren't big enough"

I make a promise to myself. I'll try as hard as I can to ignore your appearance. Well, it's not that you want to get closer to me, I know it's not gonna happen. But it's just simply because I can't keep my body not to be closer to you.

Get it huh?

It's actually really simple. I ignore your appearance because I really wanna be with you. Ignoring you maybe can help me to forget you. AHHHHH. Why is it so hard to tell what's actually been in my mind. Forget it!!!!!! I'm just simply idiot.

Tuesday, November 02, 2010


Pernah merasa hopeless? Pernah merasa worthless? Pernah merasa benar-benar clueless tentang hidupmu, hidupmu, dan hidupmu? Siapa yang ga pernah? Itu masih wajar. Nah, kalo kita ngalamin itu hampir di tiap malam gimana? Nye?sek? PASTI. Gak mungkin enggak. Ngeliat hidup orang lain, kok kayaknya fine-fine aja. Ngeliat hidup kita, kok kayanya jauh dari kata fine.

Well, it is really happening to me. Hopeless, worthless, clueless. Dan -less yang paling besar kurasakan itu worthless. Hahaha. Bodoh. Ya memang bodoh. Tapi memang aku ini worthless. Ga ada gunanya. Bapak bilang, orang itu bakal ada gunanya kalo dia bisa berguna bagi orang lain. Nah, aku. Gunaku apa? Cuma buat orang kesel aja, kan?! Apa lagi? Bikin masalah. Mungkin salah satu guna baikku: menjadi contoh bagi orang lain supaya orang lain jadi lebih baik. Hahaha funny as fuck. Temenku sendiri pernah bilang kalo aku sering kali bikin masalah sama guru. Dan tau rasanya? Itu sebenarnya nusuk, sakit. Cuma aku ga mau bilang (nah ini diketik -_-). Tapi kalo dipikir-pikir ya, mending gini daripada ngejalanin hidup yang datar, flat, monotone. Ga ada kepuasan mungkin. Well, tergantung tipe orangnya juga sih. Hm.

Clueless. I have no idea what is totally going on with me. You know your friends change when you don't know big thing that is happening to them right now. Sakit woy. Hahaha. No, I'm not your parents that need to hear every-single-fucking-thing about your life. Hell I don't want to. But I can be your diary if you want. Place where you could share all your feelings without hearing any advice or suggestion. OH NO! Maybe I lose your trust. Fineeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. Awesome as fuck. Aku benci ke-sok-ekslusifan dan kepurapura-tegaran dari seseorang yang aku kenal dekat. Ya aku tahu aku kadang kayak gitu. Tahu kenapa? Karena aku tahu/or exactly merasa kalo mereka kadang gak mau tahu tentang apa yg happening. Hahahahahahaha.

Yes, ini posting memang lebay kali. Mau gimana lagi, orang yg ngepost aja lebaynya setengah mampus. Tapi tau kan perasaan kaya gini gimana rasanya? Sakit.

I think I should find someone new to be friend with. I need something new. I need inspiration, not just another negotiation!


Things are going wrong. I don't know what's going on. I feel like a shit walking on earth trying to find something that I even don't know what it is. Why is everything coming in a different way? I try to be calm. I can accept the fact that sometimes life is incredibly cruel and unfair. And I understand that all I gotta do is just move on. But at this time, I just can't. Thinking back at what happened with me and comparing it with others. Seems like life is playing on me. I hate this. I hate this. I hate this.

I'm sick of being sick about the same sick thing in this sick life. I feel like I'm worthless.

I'm sick, anyone. Can you hear me? I need extremely new life.