Friday, June 18, 2010

Find it.......will you?

yeah it's for you. For everyone I love.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Am doing a favor ♥

Ehem.. Mei Christin asked me to make a header for her blog. Hehe. So I've made. I'm sorry dear if this is ugly or not satisfied. I'm still an amateur in making design. Just choose which one you like ♥♥

Feel free to comment? :)

Wednesday, June 02, 2010

How to kill this eazy weezy dizzy head

Fellow readers. zzz. Ehhh I'm really having a super dizzy head. I don't know whats the reason. Of course.. If I know it, I won't be wondering like this. And this damn headache sometimes really wanna kill me. Oh fart. Just forget it.


hey, thanks for scrolling. This posting hasn't finished yet. Hell yeah.

Jadi tadi terlintas dalam pikiran yang absurd ini.... Ntar kalo aku ngelanjut SMA di santom1, aku mau masuk eksul debat. Wehehe. Terlintas juga memori kapan tau antara aku dan Citin (baca kakak yang tidak dipanggil kakak)

Dina: eh, bahasa inggrismu kan bagus, kok gak masuk debat aja kayak .... , .... , (nama disamarkan)
Citin: ah ngapain. yang masuk debat itu kan yang kreak kreak.


Dalam hati, ah masa sih? Masa? Padahal debat itu keren loh menurutku. Menyanggah apa yang orang lain katakan dengan apa yang kita tau. Hoho. Tapi kalo dipikir pikir lama2 mungkin itu ada benernya juga. Tapi tergantung cara kita mandang sih. Rasanya keren plus bangga aja kalo kita bisa nyanggah pendapat orang dengan pengetahuan yang kita punya. HAHAHA. Is it true? Tell me whaddaya think readers! Feel free :)

PS : I can't find MMJ here anywhere in Gramedia. Help me anyone!!!!! I'm curious to know and read it... :D

Tuesday, June 01, 2010

I love the smell of new month :)

Heyloooo. Welcome to my blog. Hehe.
New post for this month. Very excited about this month. For Soccer World Cup, my baby's birthday (I mean Klose's birthday, my fave striker and also soccer player)...

The one that unboost my mood is that the test of Saint Thomas 1 SHS will be held on the 14th. Daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaamn. Hate it. So I must study rite but I don't want to. Too lazy.

What more eh? I don't find sumthing interesting to share here. So maybe I'll just share a photo here. One of my favorite Korean actress, Kim So eun.

- So pwetty aite? I envy her . Hehe ;3. Fighting Onnie! ♥ -