Saturday, February 26, 2011


It's too damn late to say this. I finally changed my header or banner or whatever!!!!
Hahahaha.... Better than never right? But something went really error. I can't change my background argh urgh. Never mind thooo.

It's 2 days more to March. Kinda excited. My amigo is going to launch (eh?) her new house on March 5th. Boo-yaaahhh. It's going to be huge I guess hihi. And it's gonna be fun!! Since my old classmates are all invited. Hehe some meet up again with my beloved buddiesss<3 Seriously I can't wait... I hope all the best for you March. Really. I don't wanna be cashless. Pst I wanna buy some new clothes. No time in this hectic February. No one to accompany me, too. Arh, where are my friends when I need them? :-p

By the way I've watched the Black Swan. Natalie Portman is truly an actress. Oh my God!!!! Nina Sayers awww. You got me eeee during the movie. She is truly brilliant, excellent. Exceptional, man. And her killer body. Aw my. I want that. One of the greatest actress now. Yeah she is. She really deserves an Academy Award for this. She's pregnant now by the way. All the best for the baby..

Exams r ova. Yay!!!! But I'm not really free at all. There are way too many tasks. Presentations, discussions, whatever.... Is it so hard to just let us be free for a while, teachers? Jeez, I can't watch the dvds then. I should be doing my task now actually. But internet seduces me.. Ah... That's the naughty of you internet. (yuck)

I'm looking forward to having this kind one bag, really. A mulberry. Me wantey so much. I just don't know where to find it here, in Medan. Anyone (like there is anyone reading my blog, really?) who knows please let me know? He. Sorry for bad grammar.

I'm really into seeing vintage stuffs. Feels like I wanna have all of them. Like these pictures below. So cute I could dieeeeeeeeee *o*

my fave one. A lace dress. I already have one by the way. Em maybe two. They're white and cream :-p hehe but this pastel pink one is the most wanted. And the shoes will make a good combination if I dare to say. hehehe

I want a single classic watch like this one. Ugh. Isn't it so cute? Right? Right? Arghhh.

Love. Whatever. You define it yourself.

Thursday, February 03, 2011

New things!

Hey'all!!!!!!! Howz life eh?
It's 2011 already hehe. Duh, I'm so not up-to-date. Actually I have lots of free time to update my blog. But as usual, laziness always wins. So on this day, on this Chinese New Year, I'm gonna say :
"Happy Chinese New Year for everyone who celebrate!!"

I don't know what people usually do on this day. I'm not a Chinese. Beside, believe me, I never attend any of Chinese NY Celebrations. Yeah, poor thing. Oh, one thing I know is that people usually give angpao... Hehe. But I rarely get, tho. Since I got not so many relatives nor friends who are Chinese.

Have you realized ehhh? I got new name and new url for my blog. Hehehe. I feel pretty bored with the last one. Beside, the previous name I had was a little weird and meaningless. But now? I have Pink Pacific as the name and floralnerdencyclopedia as url.

Pink Pacific is not a new thing. It was my previous url. Why Pink Pacific? Because I love hearing it and it has a special meaning, well not really special actually. Pink is my most favorite color and Pacific is the name of the ocean. Ocean is a really large, big thing right?! And this blog, well I hope, will be a big thing, too. This blog has big meaning for me, even if not for now at least for whenever it will be :p So I combine these two words and get Pink Pacific :]

floralnerdencyclopedia? Hm, actually in the first time, I wanted a whatanerdwants url. But unfortunately it is taken by somebody else. Feel a lil disappointed tho but it's fine. Then I try to search a new url that has somewhat relation to nerd thing. First, it's because I'm a nerd, I just realized it and I'm proud of being a nerd. Second, a quote "Nerds kiss the best" from a novel recently comes up to my mind. Mind me, I'm not a pervert. It's just like, ehm, I'm feeling like nerd isn't always someone who's only good in school, interested in books, or other things whatsoever. They can do best at other things, too. Well in that proverb it's kissing :p hehe whatever laaaah. Back to url, I always love flower. The thought of flower always calms me down. I love floral pattern, too. And I'd love to combine the words.... floralnerd is a name I want to be described ;p And encyclopedia? Well, it's a book that almost tells everything right? And this blog will tell everything about me, maybe? Hehe I'm not that sure.

So here it is. Pink Pacific and floralnerdencyclopedia. The only thing that bothers me about the url is, my biology tentor told us that flower is somehow the name of plants' genital. Ugh, but just don't think about this that way okay? And one thing! I'd really love to change the banner and the background as well. But this may take a long time since I'm really lazy to make such things. Hopefully I can do this during this CNY's holidays (I've got only 2 day holidays ugh).

I've been really craving for a leather jacket!!! I read Go!Girl's January issue and saw a leather jacket combined with a white tee and maxi floral skirt. And it goes really lovely. On another entry, I'll post the picture ok? I told my mom I wanted one but she told me I'm not going to have any since real leather jacket is very expensive and she told me that the synthetic one is smelly =0=. After a few days, I figured out that my dad just bought a leather jacket. And as usual, as a normal woman who likes to gossip, my mom told my dad about me wanting one. And he teased me about that hellyeeeeah.

(this is not the picture)
Please anyone? Buy me one? u.u

Lately I've found it enjoyable seeing runway photos (or whatever the names are). These are one of my fave one ehhe.
I really don't know from what collection these are. Since I found them in a social-bookmark site, Credit for wonderful designer(s) who've made these incredible dresses. I wish I had one!
