Friday, June 08, 2012

turn the music up

"The heart is beating so fast without the owner even knows why. Maybe some kind of invisible reaction just happened that only the universe knew"

It's me posting after a very long interval from the last post (like alwaysssss). And I'm on my brown oxford shoes now. I don't know. I sorta have a hobby of wearing my shoes in my room. OKAY. Forget it. This is stupid, really -_-

Just got my monthly Gogirl! magazine guysssss. It's summer already (not in Indonesia, I mean, becos we have summer everyday) so the articles, pictures, outfits are Summer related and they all amuse my eyes (huwat is this). The beginning of Summer also means....SALE EVERYWHERE. Booyah! This month feels like the second December. I feel like having Christmas already with sale everywhere.

KAY, enough with all the silly opening. I totally have no idea what of what I have just typed. And I'm totally clueless of how to make a good opening so just forgive meh.

This post shall be an opening mark to my promise which is NOT TO ABANDON THIS ABANDONED BLOG. Seriously. This may sound like a total nonsense but I'm going to try, you know. Because it's just sad to see this blog empty like this. So I'll try my best to write on this blog about anything possible that is worth-shared ^^


(I'm not good at opening and closing a post, guys. Well, at everything basically, sooooo yeah)