Sunday, May 16, 2010

Surely in a bad mood plus hungry

ehmm, I'm currently in my bad mood, people. I saw something really uneducated. But I really won't tell you here. It's really super disgusting eeerrrrhhhh-_-"
I myself even want to brain-wash my mind so I won't remember it.

now I wanna share some of my random thought.
Hmm. I'm sure all of you readers have ever heard this quotes "be yourself even if you're nobody" . So why do we have to change ourselves for something or for someone. To get somebody's attention. People, including me, often ask someone to change someone's bad habits. But do we have to? Everybody says be yourself, be yourself... but why we still force ourselves to change ourselves? It's called pathetic.

hem, it's just my opinion people. no offense. this is just a random thought. And I found this is interesting to share on my blog. Feel free to comment, maybe? Huh. :D

Tuesday, May 11, 2010


*narinari* *gulingguling* *pingsan* *mati*

LOH? NO. No. I'm still alive baby B)

Okay okay. I'm sorry for my irresponsibility, dear ehm readers. Haha. I haven't fill this bwlowg with posting for about, ehmmm maybe a month. I'm too lazy, not in the mood and blablabla...
So many stories to tell. I even can't decide which story should I post here. H0h0.

Kaaaaay, first I wanna tell you that I pass. Yeah!!! I mean I'm no longer a Junior High School student. I'm unoficially a Senior High School student. Aye aye *gulingguling* *narihulahula* *jogetjoget*.

Thanks God I graduate with good scores. Just FYI, as you read my previous post, I didn't use any 'joki'. LOL. This is really from what I know, all the answers were answered by me. No cheating, no asking to friends. Got it? GOOD!

Okay, any reader got twitter here? Just follow mine okay?

Hehe, I'm confused.. What should I post more? Hm... Lemme think. Okay I wanna introduce one of my favorite boys here...
Jeng jeng jenggg..

Ah-_-" I regret it. Okay so I'll just post the prove of the graduation. Ohohoho.