Friday, July 30, 2010

Just ignore. I'm being labille.

Life is so unfair. They let the beauty get all they want. The attention, the love, the protection, they got all things easily. It seems like they're really doing their life well without having any burden. And the duck like me? Oh well, do I need to explain here? My life is kind of embarrassing. I regret most of all things I've done in my life. HAHAHAHAHA. Let's laugh. This is funny, right?

I envy them. They don't even give a shit to their tasks at school, assignments, and all the bla-bla-yawn-things at school. But me?! Oh well, I really give a damn to school. I worry a lot about my score, my image(wtf?-_-), my paper, and all mothafacka things. Do you know why? Maybe it's because SCHOOL IS THE ONLY THING I COULD BE, AT LEAST, GOOD AT. Uhhhh. Poor me. I have no talent at all so I should focus to my school-_- I wonder how things will go if I have a spectacular talent, like playing the piano, or dancing, or maybe singing, or good at one kind of sport. Hahaha... Why do I dream too much? Come on-_____- I'm just an average girl, right? With boring life (well, not really boring. My life gets really suck when I'm at home-_-, but sometimes friends could cheer me up a bit). HAAAAAHHH. I wanna have a talent that at least I could be proud of. I don't wanna be just another girl in school that anyone underestimates.

Hm............. I wanna have a life like in a novel. Meeting the one you love, living in a sweet love story or having really good friends, or maybe meeting a riding-horse-prince. Why can't I have a life like that? Why is this reality so cruel? Cruel life!!!! I hate you for showing me the life I don't wanna live in. :(


  1. Oh My little rabbit! we have the same story (almost).

    I love the way that you can speaks or arrange English words become the good sentences. That's also talent sist :))

  2. Wow. Thanks. But I think my English is really awful and I can't arrange words. Thanks again anyway ;)
