Thursday, September 23, 2010

Boys suck.

I don't understand boys. They move on so easily. They never really get touched. They never actually care. They say shit in front of girls. They mock girls, and we, still, love them. How could it happen? I know I have no right to post this kind of thing because I'm not an expert in love.
But I know some 'love stories' that have jerks in it (read: boys)

How can a boy forget his long-lasting girlfriend so easily? How? How? How? Doesn't he have mind?
Or is he still using his brain? While the girl is still regretting and crying over her broken heart, he -in the other hand- has dated with another pretty girl. It sucks. I wanna vomit every time I see that kind of love story. Every girls deserve best men to be with. Pleaseeee, don't waste your time going out with a jerk like that. The one that thinks having a girlfriend is a primary needs. That could easily pick a girl to be with. I'm sick of those over-confident boys. Period.

Oh well I know. As all people say (including me), love hurts. It tears you into pieces. You gotta find the right one to fix all pieces to be a new one again?

-I wanna eat a piece of love :3-

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