Saturday, April 16, 2011

Quick update

Yeahss. Hello first. Arrrggghhh. You see the layout? The background? I wanna stab myself. *eh not really actually* I destroyed all things! The layout, the background. Now I'm back with the template blogspot gives. Whatever. Too lazy to fix things up *yeahssss, so me*

So guess what? I'm having holidays!! Yaay. You ask for what? For whatever's sake. I don't care as long as I have my holiday, my day off B) Naaah, the 12th grader will have their government or national examinations from March 18th - I don't when. And then here it comes... Easter! Tada...

Me not really excited about it tho. Not that kind of girl. Weird. For your information, I've never joined any Easter celebration like what other used to do when they were kids. You know, like going to church very early in the morning, finding the hidden eggs, and so on. I can't even name the others. Huf. I guess it's me.. Yeah. How bout ya? I know. I'm asking no one since no one reads this dead blog.

I'm really thinking of making new blog. Since this one becomes to look like trash day by day. Since I can't customize the background and the layout anymore. I don't freaking know. It said 'it's not applicable for this theme'. Ye so whatever.

Tomorrow is Sunday yeeaaah. Going to church as usual. But tomorrow is kinda different from other Sundays. I'm going to join a bazaar. It's actually the Teenagers of HKBP Tj. Sari. Do you know Parguru Malua? We're seeking for fund for out retreat. Yeahs, wish we luck.

Been watching this video of Girls' Generation dozens time. Love love! Btw Jessica is going to be 22nd this Monday on April 18th. Oh unnie, wae so pretty? ;)

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