Saturday, May 07, 2011

How I act

Comeback with not so many to tell. Hehe, here here hear.
I got so fed up with life recently. Fyuh. So full of drama. Tired of watching, playing, being a part of drama.

Eum here I got a confession to make.
I may act childish. I may laugh a lot. I may smile. I may make jokes. I may stay calm.
Yes, I do it in front of, dear beloved friends.
Have you ever seen how I act in front of my family?
I act angry. I speak rarely. Sometimes I speak a lot, but get ignored. I laugh when it's necessary.
So it's pretty much the contrary, the opposite.

I may laugh a lot in the school, because I don't do it a lot at home.
I may act childish in front of you guys, because I can't.
I may speak a lot, complain a lot, because I don't really talk in the family.
Well, yeah, pretty much.

I really apologize for being a super bitch to you. I'm sorry. I'm just like this. Uncontrollable. Moody. Messed up.

I'm not saying that I'm not happy at home. I am. It's just the way I get it at home and school is different. Some of you may think that I cover my all gloomy and dark attitude at home by being so childish,noisy,and bla-bla whatever. Yeah, you could call me so. But it's the way I want to have fun with you guys, because I can't find any other ways.

That's it I guess. Weird, eh?
Tell you what, I'm gonna have malua in two weeks more, WHOA. And next week, I'll have the tests. And at the end of the month, I'll have the semester exams. SUPER WHOA MONTH YEA. Okay, gotta go do bio task yeah. Wish me luck :D

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