Monday, December 27, 2010

I'm not gonna miss you.

Yellow. Nitey fellas. It's like 9 p.m-ish according to my laptop. Well, in a good mood to write. After I saw Diana Rikasari's latest post abt what have happened to her during this year, I'm inspired to write that kind of post, too.

Hm, okay get me started. I can't really remember all, but I'll try to do my best :)

- January : *pass, totally forget*

- February : *totally forget, crap!*

- March : I had my UN in this month. I was really scared, sad, excited, but mostly scared. So many craps happened in this month. Like, I had a fight with some of my classmate because I really hate them who used 'joki' for this UN. HAHH.

- April : this was a hectic month, too. I had my UAS, wow!!! Even harder than UN. But this wasn't very long, just about a week or so. Because I had my very very long holidays..... Ugh. But we held a farewell party, here. Not a really good one, thought. Mostly boring, but cool!

- May : our very own farewell party, in Stefany's house. It was great. Hahaha, watching Harry Potter until we fell asleep. And the manggang2 part was greawt, even though not as spectacular as I thought before :p

- June : I passed the UN!!! If I'm not mistaken, the test for SMA St. Thomas 1 was held in this month. Kinda nervous, but not at all actually. Hehe.

- July : I'm in. I'm officially a senior high school student. I'm a SMA St. Thomas 1 student. And my shs story begins here.... Germany only got the 3rd on World Cup.. :(

- August : It was the beginning of all, the friendship with X-A. Start from the celebration of August 17th and so on and on an on.... And we had a surprise birthday party for Patricia :D

- September : Hey its my birthday month. Nothing special, really. A disappointing month maybe. My parents were not there on my birthday. And well I was fine with it.

- October : X-A and X-D went to Karangsari for retreat. It was great. But the outbound was kind of disappointing. Hahhh. How I wish we weren't the first to go..

- November : month of examinations. As usual, hectic, stressful, full of tense, and the competition in X-A was so tight. I barely even breathed :p

- December : Christmas month! Holiday month! Hell month, too! We'd get our result, too. And I've just got mine on the 22nd. I was on the 2nd. Not disappointing, but well, I wish I could do more than that. And it's Christmas finally, not really a great one.

Okay. So that's all I can imagine. In this year, I've been living such a complicated journey of life, maybe, I dare to say so. Fighting with parents, friends, having enemies. Well, it's so teensy right? Lately I've been feeling unfine, especially with someone I really feel close with. I feel like she's ignoring me... I apologize for all faults I've been doing for you, and for all people I know. I've been such an arrogant girl to everyone.

Thank you so much for friends in X-A. You're all great, except that we're not so close yet. Hm. I guess it's just me that can't grow close to someone so fast. Thank you for all unos, the laugh, the movies, and so on and on.

Thank you so much for theDUWAS. I miss you all a lot. I wanna meet you all, yeah all.

Thank you, parents. We're fighting now. And it's just hard to say anything here. You're both sometimes annoying, and I hate you. But I'm kinda sure, I will forget this the next morning. Hah..

Thank you for filling my days in 2010, for cheering me, for laughing with me, for all the words we've told. I'm not gonna miss this year, I think. This year is a mess...............................

But in this year, I've already learned many things. I've been starting to love many things. I love Mesut Ozil, I love tumblr, I love we-heart-it, I love Ron/Hermione, I love Ronald Weasley, I love Rupert Grint and so on!!!

Now, welcome 2011. I've been waiting to enjoy you! Be nice to me. Be my year. Be my year of happiness.


With a bunch of Liquid Luck,


Saturday, December 25, 2010

This... is... schweet :')

“Hang on a moment!” said Ron sharply. “We’ve forgotten someone!”
“Who?” asked Hermione.
“The house-elves, they’ll all be down in the kitchen, won’t they?”
“You mean we ought to get them fighting?” asked Harry.
“No,” said Ron seriously, “I mean we should tell them to get out. We don’t want anymore Dobbies, do we? We can’t order them to die for us—”
There was a clatter as the basilisk fangs cascaded out of Hermione’s arms. Running at Ron, she flung them around his neck and kissed him full on the mouth. Ron threw away the fangs and broomstick he was holding and responded with such enthusiasm that he lifted Hermione off her feet.
“Is this the moment?” Harry asked weakly, and when nothing happened except that Ron and Hermione gripped each other still more firmly and swayed on the spot, he raised his voice. “Oi! There’s a war going on here!”
Ron and Hermione broke apart, their arms still around each other.
“I know, mate,” said Ron, who looked as though he had recently been hit on the back of the head with a Bludger, “so it’s now or never, isn’t it?”
“Never mind that, what about the Horcrux?” Harry shouted. “D’you think you could just – just hold it in until we’ve got the diadem?”
“Yeah – right – sorry – “ said Ron, and he and Hermione set about gathering up fangs, both pink in the face.
[Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Chapter 31, The Battle of Hogwarts]

Omaigawwwdddddd. I'm totally, entirely, extremely, in love with Ron and Hermione. Awch, this couple has driven me crazy lately. Yeah I'm so lame. And pity me, I should've realized sooner that this couple is really meant to be and worth-shipping <3 fufufufufufu. They're both gorgeous and the actors that play the characters are really cute!!!!!!! I mean, look at Emma Watson and Rupert Grint.

Emma is really really really beautiful. She's like a goddess. She's really charming and I'm sure all girls, all boys think that she's pretty. And Rupert?! Awwww, that dude. He's really comical. Hahahahaha. He's really funny. He's full of expression. I always love the way he speaks something. Cool and attractive. When they were kids, I admit that Daniel was way cuter than Rupert. But now?!?!?! Hello!!!! Rupert is totally more awesome, more charming, more more more and moreeee attractive than Daniel. Well, we're speaking about taste also here. Hehe. Rupert's sure hot, hot, and hot. Gawd, I'm running outta words here-_-

Okay, so the point is, I totally ship R/Hr couple. Sweet, cute, always bickering but they never hate each other;) It's actually my point here. They show their love by bickering, almost every time.

Yeap, I know you know that I was not really into Harry Potter's stuffs. I love Harry Potter, the movies. Well I basically love all movies hahahaha. But because of this gorgeous couple, I begin to like the books. I'm planning to buy all the series. I really wanna know their relation since the first year of their Hogwart's school. Because the books and the movies sometime tell different story right?

Well well well. Now, I'm sorry for being such a bad bad baddddd blogger. It's been centuries since my last post. T_T I've already got my first semester result. Not bad, eh? Got the second rank. Well, this is the first one I got the second. Tee-hee. I'm just gonna try harder on the next semester. But hell who cares. Let's just try our best. Phew.

Guys it's December 25th now. Don't you feel the joy of Christmas? I can feel it now, hehe, not really actually. Christmas is just the same all years. Yeeeeeaa dude all yearss. Now, I'm gonna end this entry. Back to reading some fun facts about R/Hr or back to twittering!!



Tuesday, December 07, 2010

Exams overrrrrrr

OI! Goshhhh, it's forever since my last post. You know I was really busy with exam thingy and now all are finished. Can't be any happier you know. And my exam went really bad goshhh I'm kinda well-prepared but some of the teachers were being such an ass. They gave us really short time to do all the loads of questions. Phew. And that's bout it.

Now, I've watched two saga these recent weeks. They're Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows and Narnia: the Voyage of the Dawn Treader. Both of em were awesome.

I love Hp7 because it was really funny and the relationship between Ron and Hermione grew bigger. Teehe and I'm so in love with this couple. They're so frigging adorable, so pretty :3. The movie was so funny and well so awesome. Thumbs up. This series is better than the previous Harry Potter.

And I really like Narnia3. Edmund was so handsome and freaking adorable there!!!! Me and Patricia kept telling Laura that he is our husband HAHAHAHA. We freaked out there. And that was really happy.

OKAY. ENOUGH BABBLING. NOW LET'S PRAY FOR MY EXAMINATIONS RESULT!!! Hope that I will get good and score and no remedial wait me okay. Amin.