Tuesday, December 07, 2010

Exams overrrrrrr

OI! Goshhhh, it's forever since my last post. You know I was really busy with exam thingy and now all are finished. Can't be any happier you know. And my exam went really bad goshhh I'm kinda well-prepared but some of the teachers were being such an ass. They gave us really short time to do all the loads of questions. Phew. And that's bout it.

Now, I've watched two saga these recent weeks. They're Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows and Narnia: the Voyage of the Dawn Treader. Both of em were awesome.

I love Hp7 because it was really funny and the relationship between Ron and Hermione grew bigger. Teehe and I'm so in love with this couple. They're so frigging adorable, so pretty :3. The movie was so funny and well so awesome. Thumbs up. This series is better than the previous Harry Potter.

And I really like Narnia3. Edmund was so handsome and freaking adorable there!!!! Me and Patricia kept telling Laura that he is our husband HAHAHAHA. We freaked out there. And that was really happy.

OKAY. ENOUGH BABBLING. NOW LET'S PRAY FOR MY EXAMINATIONS RESULT!!! Hope that I will get good and score and no remedial wait me okay. Amin.

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