Monday, March 14, 2011

First, first, first!!!! My deepest condolence goes for Japan. Oh my God, the tsunami is really horrible. It blows up almost anything. Wow. Japan is one of those developed countries and they are really aware of this issue, this kind of thing. They've built very strong building which is already prepared for this kind of thing, the earthquake thing. But still. The nature is really expressing its anger, maybe? Just by seeing the video on tv, I know that it is really horrible. Really.. I hope the best for all Japanese.

I have this one week holiday. Say yeay!!!! The twelfth graders are having their UAS. Hope the best for them. Hm, I'm so excited yet confused. What should I do in this holiday. I've thought many cool things to do, like baking, swimming, watching movies with friends, buying bags. And then reality strikes. I don't have that much time. Hah. Bimbel here, les there. My schedule and my friends' schedule crash, you know. We can't find the time to do all these cool things together. Beside, I think none of us want to 'sacrifice' our tight activities. Heh.

So I guess I'll just spend my time with laptop and dvds! I'm just going to be online for the whole week I guess. So booorrrriiiinnnnnnggggg. You know, I sometimes secretly wish I had that kind of life where I could hang out with my friends, holding shop bags, laughing so hard, taking pictures, whatever. You name them. That girly thing routines we often see in movies. It's just... cute. I don't know.

Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. I've watched like so many movies recently. Yeah, that many until I have no feeling to collect any of those movies that I've listed. But....... Wall Street : Money Never Sleeps is a great one.

he tense feeling, the romantic, the drama, and the rare vocabularies there were kinda driving me mad. Hehe. The end is quite predictable, though. But the casts are totally cool. Michael Douglas, Carrey Mulligan, Shia LaBeouf are really awesome. I really love the couple. Perfect for each other. Heheee... And after watching the movie, I really feel like being economic is totally cool. I mean, the idea of growing career in economy is really into me. Whether to become a broker, an expert, an accountant or whatever, I really want to become one of those people. It's interesting what I watch in movie. The tense feeling people have in stock market. It's just... wow.

Yeah, I guess that's it.
Money's the bitch that never sleeps – and she's jealous" - Wall Street 2"

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