Tuesday, March 01, 2011

First day first

The first day of March! Ah, quite sad, disappointing. I even cried today. I cried so hard yet so quiet until my eyes got swollen. They were really red and it was even hard to blink. But now they are quite okay.

Today is also my first day of PMS this month. That's why I'm being soooo emotional. I felt broken.
All I can do is just disappointing, making people around me feel sad. Why can't I make someone be happy? Am I that bad? I'm just never good enough for anyone.

I can't go on this month like this. And I don't want the rest of the days in this month to be like this, all gloomy and sad!! I gotta wake up, cheer myself up. I have to survive through this month.

Today is Justin Beaver's birthday. Yeah, that other girls' idol. Tell him I say happy birthday. He must be feeling so glad to have me congratulate him. It's an honor you know. wkwkwk

AND FYI, MY Ron's having his birthday today! Happy birthday dear!! Wish you the very best. Keep being funny ;;;)

Hm, back to topic. I'm gonna be strong and I promise (really, I mean this) to fill this blog like every week. Yes, this blog has to live up and rise. Ha. Whatever. Guess this is it. Good bye!!

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