Thursday, March 03, 2011

Lesson learned.

Flat day. Kinda good actually. I behave like what a normal girl does. Well, the thing is I've made such a hard decision. I have to choose between attending so-called-family party or competing in a debate. I really love to join the competition. Since I found the last one is quite enjoyable. I really love to! But in other hand, I have to attend this party. Because I have to. I want to! Gah, life is all about choices. Why can't I divide my body into some parts so that I could attend both of this important events. Anyway I finally choose to attend the party on the 5th. This won't happen twice. Beside, if I attend these both, I can't focus on both of them. It will be a mess, maybe. Just hope for the best.

Wew, I really want to do some shopping. Whatever kind of shopping. I want to have new clothes, pants, shoes, nail-polish, dvds, blabla. I know this is being greedy not grateful or whatever. But these days are just so tiring. Exams are definitely over but tasks aren't. They are always everywhere. Teachers give us tons of presentation tasks. Hahhhh.

Sometimes I don't really like being myself. For I demand perfection too much. I want everything I do, I have, to be flawless, and exactly, yes exactly, as I want. This is being too arrogant right? I can't just help it. That's why sometimes I'd rather do a group task myself than have someone do it. Because I'm afraid it will not be as exactly as I want.
I remember thinking these lacey socks sucked a lot when I was in elementary school. My mom used to make me use this to church and to school (rarely of course, it's forbidden actually). I used to think that these things are awful and I was ashamed of wearing them.

And I remember thinking that this kind of collar was so uncool. Like it was so awful and I didn't want to have it.

But now? Hell. I want these items so much. I really love to have some lacey socks or this kind of cute collar. Why regrets always come late? I used to think that good things are just things which are becoming trend but it turned out to be wrong. I remember I didn't really like something vintage back then. But now? I'm so in love with all vintage pictures, especially that vintage fashion things. But I have no guts so wear them, even worse, I don't know where to buy that kind of things.

What I'm trying to say is, don't say that you dislike something so bad that you don't want to have or whatever the verb, in your life. Sometimes, things happen in the opposite way. I'm not saying that I never do this. I often. I can't seem to realize that this kind of thing happens in life. We don't always get what we want. God gives what we really need. And sometimes, what we think is good for us, is not. And I'm telling this as well, more like a thought, some kind of sharing to you who read this, and to me too. Please don't let the regrets come to us. It always sucks, believe me.

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